Petar and I finally walked off the Vision of the Seas at 12:45 on November 19th. Needless to say it felt great to be off what by now felt like a prison. Doing an 8 month contract is not to be recommended. Having said that, I still had a lot of fun, but I was very ready to move on and get back to sailing. Before I get back to Aruba I had an overnight in Lisbon, followed by 6 days of shopping madness in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale.
After a day of walking around in town, nothing is better than a glass (or two, obviously) of wine. then we proceeded to dinner to enjoy some fantastic fish and a bottle (or two…) of local red wine. Yummy.
After dinner we sampled the local nightlife. I impressed the Hell out of the two girls we ended up chatting a bit with, when I not only guessed the country they were from, but also the part of the country they were from, without actually hearing what they were saying.
They were from Oslo, so it wasn’t a huge leap of imagination. They introduced us to the massive local Caipirinhas and after chatting to them, we went on a bit of a bender …
It was a grand night of mayhem, finished off by a diving tournament … After all, we need to get ready for returning to my boat …
After only 2 hours of sleep it was time to board the plane to the airport and next chapter will take place in: