A new visitor means a new trip to the Great Wall. This time Katie was in town. She’s a cousin of Campbell, a very good friend of mine who recently moved back to the US. Katie will stay with us for a week, before she shoots off to Singapore.
As it was my 10th time on the Wall (and Steffi’s 4th time) and the weather was awesome, we decided to head to Jingshanling to walk to Simatai. It’s a 10K walk that I’ve done twice before: The first time I was on the Wall and once with Idapted.
It proved to be a great choice. The temperature was great for walking and with no tourists around it was very enjoyable. We spent 4 hours walking at a very slow and comfortable pace, taking plenty of time for pictures and a long lunch break.
It was perfect. Very satisfied, we headed back to Beijing to enjoy some Xinjiang food at the Red Rose.